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Our Process
How we work
This is an analysis focused on your workflow, IT-stack and data handling/flow. The analysis maps your company's digitalization and efficiency level, both in its entirety and per employee. This results in recommendations regarding changes that needs to be implemented in order to bring your company to unforeseen new levels of efficiency, digitalisation and work-pleasure.
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On the basis of the SPINE analysis we select and implement SaaS systems. We adapt and tailor their functions to your exact needs, and migrate legacy data from your old systems to new ones.
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The ENGINE ensures that the data generated from your core is used to the highest extent of efficiency. We ensure this by automating your data-flow via RPA, AI, Integration, DNN and Machine Learning, depending on your needs and budget.
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Our Ace
Why Automate
When we automate, we always look at the tasks that people dislike the most first, and remove these from their workflow. Today in the current IT landscape there are nearly no limits on automation and its application. Automation allows you to be more efficient and to use your and your colleagues time on adding value instead of on wasteful tasks. This enhances the companies ability to grow.
How we Automate
We can automate your workflows, so that you and your team can focus on being the perfect specialists for your customers. We only build workflows that are tailor made for you and your colleagues needs. We do not believe in plug ‘n’ play solutions, but in getting you and your team as efficient as possible through automation.
Andrew Young

You can tell that SoftBit is the best analytics tool after using it for a few minutes. I absolutely love the intuitive and clean dashboard.

Josh Stevens
Founder of CourseApp

Softbit is the ultimate analytics tool for every company that's serious about maximizing their website's traffic and click-through-rate.

Patrik Lazzarotto
CEO at Lazzaweb

NordicWorkflow has challenged LAZZAWEB's workflows and processes, and has helped to greatly streamline our workflows, making it much easier and more manageable to grow.

Our Services
What We Specialize In
The Tech We Use
Our Partners
They Believe In Us
Sales CRM, that keeps all information in one place. Everything from calendar, mails, tasks, notes, phone call information etc. in one workflow. Pipedrive helps you to gather all information, so that you and your colleagues have access to your company's core pipeline.
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Monday is a project management tool that helps company’s to manage projects, tasks and team assignments. With monday you can custom make your workflow, so it fits you and your team in one system.
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Integromat is the most advanced platform online for automation of manual workflows. This means that you and your colleagues can spend more time on where you have your strengths.
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Typeform are specialists in online form building and surveys. Their software creates dynamic forms based on user needs.
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Databox helps you to understand business. This is done by gathering and visualizing all data in the organization. Thereby making you able to track all your KPIs in real time.
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Pleo helps you keep control of your company’s finances. Track your purchases in real time, Keep receipts and easily export to your main financial management software.
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Integrate Your Process
Efficiency At Scale
NordicSolutions takes great pride in developing a tailor-made solution that guarantees efficiency and productivity in your company. Whether it's project management systems, financial systems, automation, simplification or something in between. We analyze the infrastructure as well as your employees, and develop solutions that benefit the company on several levels.

Custom Automations

CRM System

Personalized Scheduled Emails

Project Management

HR Management

Product Inventory Automation



Workflow Automation

Automated Custom Actions

Time Tracking

Real-time Data Insights

Tailormade Action Triggers

API Integrations

Data Migration

Connect Your Prefered SaaS Systems

Everything Through One System

Live Financial Reports

Subscription Management

Effort and Efficiency Reports

Production Flow

Automated Accounting

Automated Invoicing

Individual Work Schedules

Personalized Scheduled Emails

Project Management

CRM System

HR Management


Workflow Automation

Product Inventory Automation

Automated Custom Actions


Real-time Data Insights

Tailormade Action Triggers

Connect Your Prefered SaaS Systems

Custom Automations

Time Tracking

Everything Through One System

Data Migration

API Integrations

Automated Accounting

Effort and Efficiency Reports

Automated Invoicing

Live Financial Reports

Subscription Management

Individual Work Schedules

CRM System

Project Management

HR Management


Product Inventory Automation

Workflow Automation

Personalized Scheduled Emails


Automated Custom Actions

Time Tracking

Real-time Data Insights

Tailormade Action Triggers

Custom Automations

Connect Your Prefered SaaS Systems

Everything Through One System

Data Migration

API Integrations

Automated Accounting

Effort and Efficiency Reports

Automated Invoicing

Live Financial Reports

Subscription Management

Individual Work Schedules