A brief business indsigt on how we use Monday.com and Integromat to build RPAs
Is a work OS, read more on work OS here, which we use internally and became premium partners with a while back. Besides using Monday.com internally it is our most used tool when setting up core systems for our customers and digitizing workflows. Monday.com has its own automating feature which is no code and works very well when dealing with the dataflow within your monday.com setup.
When we set up workflows for our customers in Monday.com we use the automation feature to create specific workflow patterns. One of the many options within the automation feature that we use every time, is to move items dependent on trickers of your own choosing, shown in this video among other cool automations.The video should give a brief indsigt on how we operate using Monday.com automations.
While we use Monday.com as the center of a core system setup, we use Integromat to build our own robots. Integromat is a low-coding software tool and also our main source when building difficult tech solutions. If our customers want some specific automation or integration, we have the ability to customize a brand new RPA from scratch using Integromat. Within Integromat we specialize in building app's through API's and incorporate them into your workflows. If you want a better understanding on what we can do for you and your business using Integromat, give us a call.
Certified Integromat partners ✓
- Danijel Clarke, DevOps process engineer at NordicSolutions